National risk assessment

  • A coordinated compilation of the risk assessments prepared by different actors: the administrative branches select threat models and identify disruptions that will have a national impact on the vital functions of society.
  • The risk assessments, or similar products and processes produced by the different actors, are utilised in the preparation of the national risk assessment.
  • The ministry carrying the main responsibility shall write the documents based on its own threat models and incidents.
  • All threat models and disruptions are assessed from the perspective of their direct or indirect effects on the vital functions of society.
  • The administration will make use of EU guidelines and the national risk assessments prepared by other countries.
  • Regional risk assessments are prepared in a cross-administrative manner, involving the municipalities, authorities, business life and organisations in each region.

Threat models and disruptions (National Risk Assessment 2023):

  • Information influencing
  • Political, economic and military pressure
  • Use of military force
  • Large-scale immigration and pressures produced by directing migrants
  • Terrorist or other violent attacks on the structures of society or on large groups of people
  • Violent movements of large crowds, groups or communities, or any other activities endangering social order
  • Fiscal shock
  • Financial disruption
  • Disruption of energy supply
  • Disruption of information and communications networks and services
  • Disruption of transport continuity
  • Health security disruptions
  • Disruption of water supply
  • Disruption of food supply and deterioration of food and nutrition security
  • Large-scale accidents with long-term consequences