Tasks of the Finnish Defence Forces

As of 1 July 2017, the Finnish Defence Forces have four statutory tasks:

  • The military defence of Finland
  • Support for other authorities
  • Participation in assistance based on EU treaties, regional surveillance cooperation or other provision of international assistance and international activities
  • Participation in international military crisis management and military tasks in other international crisis management.

The overall goal of the Finnish Defence Forces, in all its tasks, is to promote security in Finland and its surroundings.

Finnish defence forces

Finnish defence forces

Source: Puolustusvoimat

Finland’s military defence includes:

  • Safeguarding the population’s living conditions and fundamental rights and the freedom of action of the state leadership, as well as defending the legal order of society
  • Military preparedness, in order to control land, water and airspace and to safeguard territorial integrity
  • Ensuring the unhindered development of capabilities, including planning and procurement
  • The provision of military training, the directing of voluntary national defence training and promotion of the will to defend the country

The support for other authorities includes (a) executive assistance to maintain public order and security, prevent and interrupt terrorist offences and otherwise safeguard society, (b) participation in rescue operations by making available the necessary equipment, personnel and expert services. A common form of mission is the clearance of explosives.

The provision of international aid and other international activities including, for example:

  • Providing assistance to other NATO countries under the NATO Treaty (Washington Treaty)
  • Assistance under Article 222 or Article 42(7) of the Treaty of the EU (Treaty of Lisbon)
  • Providing assistance under bilateral agreements.


The Finnish Defence Forces:

Materiel and equipment of the Finnish Defence Forces: