Ensuring security of supply
Security of supply refers to the securing of critical production, services and infrastructure necessary for the livelihood of the population, the country’s economy and national defence during serious disturbances and emergency conditions.
- The starting points for national security of supply are international markets, a diverse base for industry and other production, stable public finances and a competitive national economy
- Reliance on effective international, political, economic and technical links and their continuity
- Taking climate change mitigation and adaptation into account in the development of security of supply and the measures taken
- Development of the security of supply concerns various ministries in their respective sectors and in the areas of responsibility defined in the Security Strategy for Society
- Development and coordination of security of supply measures: The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
- Public-private partnership, which is voluntary for the private sector
- National Emergency Supply Agency: preparedness based on voluntary partnership and sector-specific legislation, including leadership
Sources and links
National Emergency Supply Organisation: